Argentine court ' apes ' legal rights and making history

Sandra was born at the zoo in Germany in 1986 and in 1994 he moved to Buenos Aires

Buenos Aires: Who does not like the gift of freedom, human or animal want to enjoy all this came just moments from the last 20 years in Argentina, where the court to life imprisonment at the zoo apes to free the substance while the historical order have decided to give some legal rights that are usually reserved for humans.

The Human Rights lawyers 'Sandra' the Buenos Aires zoo apes dayrkrrkhy appeal was to liberate the court was of the view that their detention was unlawful to Sandra and the was obtained.

Interestingly, the most discussed during the trial, the point was that the apes named Sandra, thing or person, but decided it was not.

Experts say that the court's decision, zoos, science labs or elsewhere will affect other animals kept on their legal rights and the new door will open. Sandra was born at the zoo in Germany in 1986 and in 1994 he moved to Buenos Aires.

The recent New York court rejected a similar case in which the request was to liberate some monkeys, the court said in its ruling that the animals are owned by them may not be given legal rights.

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