How to Change the 2013/2014 TDSB Desktop Wallpaper

So not too long ago, the TDSB implemented what seemed to be an "unchangeable" desktop wallpaper. It was originally speculated that it was just an image that was being displayed over the actual desktop. This, for the most part, turned out to be true. Thanks to the TDSB understanding less about how Windows works than the students, we have figured out a way around the overlapping image.
Start by picking a wallpaper: preferably one larger than the resolution of the screen attached to the computer.
Right click the image and click the "Save image as" option. Save the image to your desktop with the name "tdsb.jpg".
If the computer is running Windows XP, click the start button in the bottom left and select "Run". In the run textbox, type %systemroot% and hit enter. If the computer is running Windows 7, just open the start menu and type %systemroot% into the search bar at the bottom. If for some reason you do not have access to the "run" feature, simply open up any explorer window (Ex. Home Drive) and type %systemroot% into the address bar.
Find the image. When you are at systemroot (It will appear as "C:\Windows"), you will have to search for a file named tdsb.jpg. When you find it, replace it with your version of tdsb.jpg. If you cannot find tdsb.jpg, just drag your tdsb.jpg version into the folder and it will still work.'
Log off and back on and voilà! You have a new desktop wallpaper!

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